Saturday, August 9, 2008

Share the Information

People between the ages of 18-30 seem to use blogs, myspace, and Facebook more than ever. What a better way than to get information out as quickly and widespread as possible than using the internet? People in those ages also seem to have been raised in a world that believes that no beliefs are right or wrong, only different. While I was in high school, California voted on Proposition 22, which would recognize only marriage between a man and a woman as being valid. Even though my friends and I could not vote yet, there were arguments left and right about which side was right and which side was wrong. The main argument from people my age was this:"Why do you have to force others to believe what you believe? I don't believe homosexuality is morally okay, but I'm not going to deny others their right to marry whoever they want. IT'S NOT GOING TO AFFECT ME." This part is the falsehood. Too many people believe there will not be any negative effects on our entire society if the new Prop 8 is not passed. TO EVERYONE WHO HAS ALREADY DECIDED YES ON PROP 8: Please get the facts out any way you can. Use your family blogs. Use your Facebook. Use your Myspace. Use your email address books. It's the people our age that are going to be sitting on the fence on this one. Send out new invites to people to check out your new blog. Share it with friends you might not have talked to for awhile. You can even use the points from my earlier post as an outline if you'd like. The first listed points are from Elder Clayton of the LDS Church. The next ones listed are from the website. You can even just say a sentence or two in favor of protecting marriage, and then direct readers to This is too important for us to sit around with our mouths closed. If people are going to make a decision as important as this, at least let them have the facts before they vote. Thanks everyone!!!

1 comment:

The Clems said...

i am with you 100%!

im so glad you atarted a blog! i want to see pics of the new nelson when she is born! i love you guys!